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5 Important Tips For Buying Memory Foam Mattress

 Do you want to replace your worn-out mattress with a new memory foam mattress? We have got you covered.  

The memory foam mattress is soft and made up of thick and ultra-supportive material. The material conforms to the body when someone sleeps over it. It supports the body’s pressure points such as shoulders, neck, hips and help in relieving pain. If you need the best memory foam mattress, keep reading the post to learn everything you should know about before buying a good memory foam mattress. 

Density - Memory foam mattress comes in three types of density.

High density - It is the most durable

Medium-density - Good for optimal motion isolation

Low density - Body adjust to it quickly

Types - The mattresses come in three types.

Traditional memory foam - Provide great support to the body. Increase circulation and minimize pressure points.

Latex memory foam -Although all memory foams are hypoallergenic and antimicrobial but latex has an edge over others. However, it is not good for those who are allergic to latex.

Gel memory foam - The only concerning factor with memory foam is it heat up. The gel memory foam removes that issue as gel increases the airflow in mattress making it cool.

Thickness - The memory foam thickness varies between 6-14 inches. But the thickness of the mattress doesn’t determine its softness. Addition of layers just adds softness.

Price - When you are buying a memory foam mattress, you are actually buying a comfortable sleep. So, adding little should not be an issue to get a quality mattress. The price of this mattress depends on its size, thickness and foam type. 

Cleaning - Cleaning of memory foam is important as it is an expensive product. Read product specification carefully while buying this mattress, and also follow all cleaning instructions that come with the mattress.

Memory foam mattresses are expensive but that does not mean you have to give everything for it. From Sleep Icon, you can buy an affordable memory foam mattress with the finest quality.


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